Suga Balanz 糖衡素
Suga Balanz 糖衡素Suga Balanz 糖衡素Suga Balanz 糖衡素Suga Balanz 糖衡素Suga Balanz 糖衡素Suga Balanz 糖衡素Suga Balanz 糖衡素


* 此產品適合關注血糖的人士服用 *
* This product is suitable for people concerned about blood sugar *


功效 Function :

或有助於 May assist in: 

  • 關注血糖 Blood sugar
  • 增強身體機能 Enhance body function
  • 減少飢餓感和暈眩不適 Reduce hunger and dizziness


使用方法 How to use:

每日兩次 (早上空腹及睡前),每次一至兩粒 [如有需要,可配用特效循血寧]
Take 1-2 gelcapsule on an empty stomach twice daily once in the morning and once in the evening.


注意 Caution:

Not to be consumed by pregnant women or children under 18 unless under the supervision of a physician


成分 Ingredients:

牛初乳提取物 (含有 CirQ蛋白鬆弛多肽®)、西洋蔘提取物、苦瓜提取物、肉桂提取物、薑黃提取物、發酵黑豆豉提取物、葡萄籽提取物、羥丙基甲基纖維素硬脂酸鎂
Colostrum extract (with CirQ蛋白鬆弛多肽®), American Ginseng extract, Bitter melon extract, Cinamon extract, Curcumin extract, Fermented black bean extract, OPC Grape Seed extract, Methylcellulose, Magnesium Stearate


產品規格 Content:

60粒 (膠囊) 60 capsules (gelcapsules)